
i am jealous of my friend K. why? she's in love. you can tell. last time i saw her she was glowing. no joke. i didn't think that was possible, but it is. when she talks her eyes light up. it's really beautiful to see. so why am i jealous? i want it. i want to be in love with Jesus just like she is. yes, you read that correctly, she is in love with Jesus.

as i have been pondering this the last few days i couldn't help but think about parallels in a dating relationship and our relationship with God (or at least, what it should look like). when you start dating someone (and this is coming from a person with next to no experience so if i get a few things wrong, please forgive) you want to think about them all the time. you want to be with them all the time. you want to talk to them all the time. you want to talk about them all the time (much to your friend's dismay). you have this dreamy look on your face that makes you out to be some airheaded loser. but you don't care cause you are in love.

why can't our relationship with God be like that? why don't i want to think about God all the time? why don't i want to spend time with God all the time? why don't i want to talk to God all the time? why don't i want to talk about God all the time? if Jesus is supposed to be my first love, if He is my everything, then why do i treat Him like an ex-boyfriend that i am kinda friends with but not really?

i want to be like my friend K. i want to have that glow whenever i talk about Jesus. i want to have that stupid grin on my face when i realize how much i am loved by the creator of the universe. i want to be in love...with Jesus.

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