
i love to bake. it's one of the things that i have loved since i was in my preteens. i am not much of a cooker (although i am trying to change that) but when it comes to baking - one time i baked banana bread for dinner because i was hungry and i didn't want to cook. 'nouf said.

this weekend we (my roomie and i) were almost out of flour. we had one cup left. she went to visit her sister and saw flour for cheap and decided to buy some while telling me not to purchase any.
this put me in a dilemma cause i was in a baking mood this weekend.

well she is home now (sort-of) and yes, the flour is here. what was the first thing i did when i walked in the door from work? yep, i baked. these delicious cheesy biscuits. i couldn't help myself. they're in the oven right now.

i'm not much of a picture-taker-while-baking kinda person but there are pictures where i got the recipe from. i left out the bacon cause i didn't have any. still good anyway (yes i have had them before). anyhow check out the link yourself and see.

now for clean up. ughhh the worst part about baking. if only i had a maid...

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