
i am currently chatting with a friend (yes i know what time it is) and we are discussing why guys don't walk girls home when it is late and dark and scary outside and how we wished that they would. as i was writing this, i realized that while girls will get together and gripe about things that they wish guys did, guys probably have some things that they wished girls did/didn't do. and i want to know what those things are.

so guys out there. if you have suggestions please post/comment/inform me in some way. i'm curious.

1 comment:

  1. Here's something I think a lot of guys wish girls did: exactly what you just did. In this post-chivalrous culture we actually don't know what girls would appreciate, even if we wouldn't mind doing stuff like that. I still think the onus is on us to ask, like "would you appreciate it if I'd walk you home" or "I honestly don't know, do you appreciate it when guys open doors for you" or the like. Because some feminists can give the impression that we men should never treat girls as if they're anything other than fellow humans, even fellow 'guys', and if we do, we'll offend them and imply that they're weak and somehow inferior. So my strategy is to ask, but it definitely helps when girls simply state it. And don't be afraid to state it, tactfully, because we appreciate it when we know how we can serve you and respect you and love you, and feel like men along the way.

    Just have patience with us, because as the male subculture, we have lost our habits of chivalry, so those of us who are trying to regain the positive aspects of it are a bit rusty, and we do sometimes need reminders.
